BITMART ANNOUNCEMENT. June 29, 2022. Freemen,.

29 Jun 2022, 13:56
BITMART ANNOUNCEMENT June 29, 2022 Freemen, After failing to meet Bitmart's volume requirements, we have been given an ultimatum to pay ongoing Market Maker fees to support artificial volume or be delisted. Given that the MM service has not been helpful and may have actually hurt price action by posting unrealistically low ask prices, there is little support to continue funding. Please speak up or message an admin If you or any group of you feel like paying this as any sort of community funded effort. It would be at least $3K monthly. No one in the O6 group is in favor of continuing to pay for MM services. Community leads are in discussion with Bitmart to see if and how we may proceed as partners but at this time the messaging from Bitmart does not seem favorable. A clean break from Bitmart may serve this community better. As far as we can discern at this time, MM requirements were not clearly identified at the signing of our initial service agreement. Rather, this was demanded of us just days prior to listing. We are considering legal remedies depending on how Bitmart moves forward. None of this is intended as financial advice, but it may be advisable to move your EPIC off Bitmart until we know better what will happen there. There was recently a tech issue for more than a week during which time we could not withdraw EPIC. This tech issue was recently resolved after some fast support from our tech leads, Poolboy and BlackTyg3r. Thank you as always for your support. Despite this issue with Bitmart, EPIC's future is brighter than ever and more people are learning about us. We have the best community since 2019 and we are only getting better!