CoinStore is the first piece of the puzzle. ChangeNow is the second.

05 Feb 2023, 13:21
CoinStore is the first piece of the puzzle. ChangeNow is the second. Whatever is raised above what’s needed for CoinStore will be rolled into the ChangeNow raise. Everyone…WHEN (not if) both are accomplished, $100 per Epic, here we come!!! We are SOOOOO close to breaking out in a massive way. We will OWN 2023. But we have a two-piece puzzle to solve. So don’t be shy. How about taking one half of one percent of your hard-earned Epic and participating in this puzzle?! First, it’s an investment, not an expense because you’ll receive 2 EIOU’s and 1 ECR for every dollar of equivalent value. That’s simply smart investing. Second, the value of your remaining 99.5% Epic will increase in orders of magnitude with Coinstore and ChangeNow integrated with Epic Cash!!! How do you participate? Just DM @El_McMurphy and he’ll make it easy for you. It would make my heart proud to see the list of contributors matching the number of members in this group.